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Get notified when a new game is added to a steam account.

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Steam new game notifier

Do you share your steam library through family sharing and want your friends to know the new games you get?

Set up

Create an .env file and fill your steam and telegram tokens.

cp .env.dist .env

Build and up the project.

make build
make up

Run the init command to create the database.

docker compose exec php sh -c "php bin/console environment:init"

Then run the check command once to import your library (the first time is recommended to not enable telegram notifications) It may take a while depending of your library size.

docker compose exec php sh -c "php bin/console steam:import:games"

Then set up the check command in crontab.

0 * * * * docker compose exec -T php sh -c "php bin/console steam:import:games -trc"

-t enables telegram notifications
-r enables review score import
-c enables completion time info import from

View imported data directly from the database or using the following command (it accepts multiple appids as argument)

docker compose exec php sh -c "php bin/console steam:get:games 105600"

Example result:

> Terraria (105600)
 - Playtime: 13206m
 - Score: 97% (547965 reviews)
 - Completion time
  - Main: 52h
  - With extras: 93h
  - Avg: 105h
  - Full: 200h


Get notified when a new game is added to a steam account.





