Welcome to my Advanced C Programming course's examples repository
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If you have already started learning C programming, and now you are curious about deep understanding about what happens behind the scene, then this course is for you.
My approach in this course is to take every topic down to its roots, and using real-life example instead of naive example.
Starting with the preprocessors, we explore how does it work, and how to debug it with specific compiler flags.
Moving on to functions, we explore the execution model, and how does the CPU handles function calls, argument passing, how local variables are managed in the stack and more.
The pointers ! Probably the topic that is most known of its ambiguity. In this class, we try to simplify things by examples. We explore the dynamic memory allocation concept, and implement a dynamic memory manager as an example.
We explore structures and unions, covered with real-life example.
We take an quick overview about modular design and how to develop the code in a way that can be re-used.
At the end, we develop a sample BMP image editor, aggregating few examples that we did through the course.
Needless to say, you have 30 days money back guarantee. If you find the course not suitable for you (I promise it isn't), you can return it back and get your money.