These scripts were used to process the dataset used to demo quality control (QC) tools in AFNI (Taylor et al., 2024).
For more details, please see:
- Taylor PA, Glen DR, Chen G, Cox RW, Hanayik T, Rorden C, Nielson DM, Rajendra JK, Reynolds RC (2024). A Set of FMRI Quality Control Tools in AFNI: Systematic, in-depth and interactive QC with and more. (submitted) bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.03.27.586976.
The primary processing is contained in the scripts/ directory:
do_13_ssw.tcsh : run sswarper2 to perform skullstripping (ss) and nonlinear alignment (warping) to a template
do_20_ap.tcsh : run to perform full single subject processing on task-based FMRI data
The dataset accompanying these scripts and the reference draft is located for public download here: .
This dataset is actually the same subject used in the standard AFNI Bootcamp courses (AFNI_data6/FT_analysis/FT).