Ahmia is the search engine for .onion
domains on the Tor anonymity
network. It is led by Juha Nurmi and is based
in Finland. This repository contains crawlers used by Ahmia search engine.
Ahmia-index should be installed and running
python3 -m virtualenv venv3
source venv3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Look fleet installation here.
contains some default values that should work out of the box.
Copy this to .env
to create your own instance of environment settings:
cp ahmia/ahmia/example.env ahmia/ahmia/.env
In order to execute the crawler to run permanently:
source venv/bin/activate
./run.sh &> crawler.log
source venv3/bin/activate
scrapy crawl ahmia-tor -s DEPTH_LIMIT=1 -s LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG
scrapy crawl ahmia-tor -s DEPTH_LIMIT=1 -O items.json:json
scrapy crawl ahmia-tor -s DEPTH_LIMIT=3
# Every day
30 06 * * * cd /home/juha/ahmia-crawler/ && . venv3/bin/activate && bash run_daily.sh > ./daily.log 2>&1
# First day of each month
30 01 01 * * cd /home/juha/ahmia-crawler/ && . venv3/bin/activate && bash run.sh > ./monthly.log 2>&1