A Golang library with some Gnuplot features (in progress). For more info on Gnuplot, visit Gnuplot
- Go package to generate plots from multiple sets of points;
- creation of plots from data files;
- creation of plots from mathematical functions (in development);
- graphic drivers to generate the following output formats: SVG, HTML Canvas, GIF, JPEG, PNG;
- CLI interface to read plot files and generate the graphic output;
- plot command
set terminal [svg/canvas/gif/jpeg/png]
- plot command
set output "file name"
- plot command
plot "data file" using i:j with [dots/boxes/lines/linespoints/points] title "description"
- plot command
plot [i:j] mathematical function
- plot command
set xlabel "label"
- plot command
set ylabel "label"
- REST API interface to receive plot commands and generate the graphic output (plot/svg endpoint);
- REST API interface to receive plot commands and generate the graphic output (plot/canvas endpoint);
- REST API interface to receive plot commands and generate the graphic output (plot/gif endpoint);
- REST API interface to receive plot commands and generate the graphic output (plot/jpeg endpoint);
- REST API interface to receive plot commands and generate the graphic output (plot/png endpoint);
- Web interface to set plot configuration and generate dynamic plots through the canvas endpoint;
- Dockerfile to serve Web interface and the REST API interface from a single container;
To simply run the latest version from Github's package, type the following on bash or Powershell:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 ghcr.io/aldebap/go-plot
Then use your favorite browser to go to the following URI: localhost:8080/plot
set terminal svg
set output "output.svg"
plot "data" using 1:2 with boxes
set terminal svg
set output "output.svg"
plot "data" using 1:2 with lines,
"data" using 1:3
set terminal svg
set output "output.svg"
plot [-4:+4] x * x - 3 * x + 2
set terminal svg
set output "output.svg"
plot [0:6.283184] sin(x)
Dataset upload button on Web Go-Plot; -
Github's Web Go-Plot package; -
help on how to run Web Go-Plot from Github's package; - Webassembly version of Go-Plot for Web;
- configuration + generic test script;
- fix bug in multiple plot titles;
- signed literals in expression parser;
- assignment operator in function plots;
- parametric plots;
- refactor plot file parser;
- bug in scale evaluation;
- fix title positioning;
- rotate y axis for every driver;
- add more plot styles;
- add more colors to default pallete;
- colour pallete command;
- LaTeX driver;
- PDF driver;
- PS driver;