A simple Python script to convert your messy Signature Image to clean White background and Transparent backgrond, Signature only Images which can be used on pdf's or anywhere else.
Install opencv and numpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
Get your written signature
Take photo of your written signature on an unruled clean sheet of paper then transfer it to your computer.
python dsm.py [-h] [-a] [-c COLOR] path_to_image
positional arguments:
path_to_image the path to the signature image
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto make signature with default settings and save it
-c COLOR, --color COLOR
Set the color of the Signature, r - red, g - green, b - blue or rgb for white or any other
It saves 2 images one with white background named '$path_to_image' + '_binary.png'
And other with transparent background named named '$path_to_image' + '_trans.png'
Drag mouse over the area you want to crop
If satisfied press 'c' to crop
If you want to reset press 'r'
If you don't want to crop press c without selecting the area
Adjust lower threshold bar till only your signature is black and rest is white or close to it
Then adjust blur bar till it is perfect
Press 's' to save both images(binary and transparent)
Or Press 'r' to reset taskbar to default values
If you don't want to save Then press 'q' or 'x' button on GUI