FoodShare is a community-driven app that aims to reduce food waste by connecting people who have surplus food with those in need.
Post Food Items: Users can post details about surplus food items they want to share, including type, description, pickup location, and availability status.
Find Food: Users in need can easily browse and search for available food items in their area.
Claim Food: Interested users can claim available food items and arrange for pickup.
Mark as Claimed: Food posters can mark their items as claimed when they've been picked up.
User Authentication: Secure user registration and authentication using Firebase authentication.
User Profiles: Users can view and update their profiles, including contact information.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd food-board
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the app:
npm start
- Access the app in your browser:
- React
- Firebase (Authentication, Firestore, Storage)
- React Router
- Bootstrap (for styling)