My name is Ania, I'm a frontend developer form Poland. I build websites. I have strong understanding of the building blocks of the web - HTML, CSS & JavaScript - so my projects are responsive and catch the user's eye with simple yet fun effects, which are always made to be performant. I also have working knowledge of React and am continuing to build my expertise.
So far I've completed 20 challenges from Frontend Mentor. You can check them out here.
I'm looking to get hired in IT industry, so that I can use what I already know in building projects and further expand my skillset.
Currently I'm trying to reinforce what I've learnt so far about frontend development.
At the moment I work as a translator. In this job I gained the following skills:
- clear communication - I ask precise questions and explain things in an easy to follow manner in my answers.
- attention to detail - I have a good eye for nuance, which lets me make sure my work is always done to the best of my ability.
- good research skills - I always make sure to find information and context needed to get the job done well.
- independence at work - I try to find solutions to problems I encounter during work before reaching out for help and asking questions.
- I just love music, it makes any day better
- I enjoy a good story, told in a a book, film, TV series or else
- I like to cook and bake, event though I'm no chef