This is a Notification system that supports notifications through email.
There's a rate-limiting mechanism in place based on a Leaky Bucket algorithm, where some rules are enforced based on the notification type.
Notification type | Max count | Expiration |
Status | 2 | 1 minute |
News | 1 | 24 hours |
Marketing | 3 | 1 hour |
This system ensures idempotency of notification message processing, meaning that no duplicates are processed in case of accidental message sending caused by system failure, malfunctioning of upstream sender services, or even, race conditions in a multiple replica environment of this application itself.
The idempotency violation is based on the correlationId
identifier that must come as part of the
JSON request body when sending notifications through this application.
As of now, duplicates are detected in a time span of 24 hours, which should be enough to prevent most issues, meaning that, if for some reason, the same correlation ID is sent after 24 hours, it will be considered a whole new notification.
- Go
- Make: required by the helper scripts
- Docker
- Mockery: to generate and update mocks
- Swag CLI
: to generate and update OpenAPI specs*
Swag must be installed in a specific version of v1.8.4
because of some issues
recognizing annotations in dependency files.
The easiest way to get started is by running the Docker stack defined in this project, so that all settings and dependency services are set up altogether without any overhead.
Running the application directly
First, refer to template.env
to export the necessary environmental variables to configure the application.
Will spin up the application from your terminal
make run
The application will be running at localhost:8080
with the port you defined if you chose a different one.
curl http://localhost:8080/healthz -v
Running the application from a Docker container
Will spin up the application container
make docker-up
The application will be running at localhost:8080
curl http://localhost:8080/healthz -v
Update the docker container with your recent changes
make docker-update
Send a notification through the API:
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8080/send' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"correlationId": "0990cc56-f1b7-4f69-bc60-08fac22d41bj",
"message": "Hey there!",
"type": "status",
"userId": "123-abc"
The correlation ID must be different for every different request.
Go to MailHog's UI to check if the message has arrived to the inbox. You should be able to see the notification message you just sent with the subject "Status: there's a new status update".
For commonly used tasks and commands, there are quite a few helper commands added to the Makefile
of this project available for the make
command, so make sure to check the file out to get to know the full list.
Once the application is up and running, you should be able to access the Swagger endpoint, where the OpenAPI specifications for the routes implemented are parsed: http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
Run the unit tests suite
make test
Run the unit tests suite while generating a coverage report
make test-cov
Render the test coverage report as HTML
make show-cov