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Version 2.6.4

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@annakins annakins released this 23 Aug 15:27
· 17 commits to main since this release

WIP. Use at your own risk.

Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.


✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (deals with activators).
✅ You can skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New companion available: Shale. Please read the mod's description for more information.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament.
✅ New quest: Serenata.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ ALL of Katana's shade's lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ Katana can now pick particular locked doors.
✅ All companions can cook for you if a cooking pot is nearby.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging, compliments, or gifts.
✅ A LOT of new lines to complement your journey.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Switched many specific references to unique actors to help reduce save bloat.
✅ There is also an option to skip the mod's quests to get to Shale.
✅ Alternate, more realistic replacers provided (not in FOMOD).
✅ Side quests are now clearer and more intentional.


✅ Added quiet packages and special packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only).
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Katana's affinity system has been greatly modified to be efficient involving scripts.
✅ Separated affinity system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ If you talk to Megara while your health is low, she will heal you.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD.
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ Added Thuldar's Ivarstead patch.
✅ Added The Great Town of Ivarstead patch.
✅ JK's Riften Outskirts patch added.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ Redbag's Morthal patch added.
✅ Added Solitude Docks Updated patch.
✅ Added Great City of Solitude patch.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ New dialogue available for "I want to ask you something," after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.


✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Optimized objectives and added a fair amount of dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ Objectives modified for several quests, to be clearer.
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss the companions.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when they are dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Switched scenes to triggers, not idles.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Increased chance of shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time.
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Added missing dialogue in Katana's intro.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Removed Takiyo Summon spell because it wasn't being used.
✅ Modified Chadryn's trigger scripts so it's Katana that gets detected, not the player.
✅ Added missing booleans for some quests so some lines don't repeat.
✅ Debug spell has been combined into one.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.

Added in this version - Not save-safe.

Going into official changelog

Won't add these to the official changelog

  • Added condition to reduce SolitudeOpening quiet package.
  • Moved when nutboysafterscene gets played.
  • Modified cooking conditions.
  • Added some bools so some lines won't play again.
  • Removed Sparks spell from Shale since it doesn't make sense to change type of delivery.
  • Reduced cost of Lightning Bolt for Shale since that's his only spell meow.
  • Added 3 music tracks to the garden.
  • Added Chadryn's new voiced lines.
  • Added keyword to recognize IsCooking.

The Raven Replacer

  • Forwarded records.



Remember, there are limits for some of the lines. So if the dialogue seems exhausted, you need to wait a day.
But you can get a lot of soup from each of them. How you can get soup:

  • Simply by talking to them while they're using a cooking pot. Their "hello" line grants you soup.
  • Favor > Want to cook me something? While they are using a cooking pot.
  • Favor > Want to cook me something? While they are NOT using a cooking pot.

Also please try asking them to cook you something while someone else is using the pot.

Thank you.