Easyer way to "mine" on a server with no gui (haven't seen any difference in hash speed compared to a normal browser)
The migration to https://powerplant.banano.cc has started and takes effect from version 1.0.8 onward.
WARNING there's a error with all version under 1.0.7 that will mine to a invalid address. This happened because of a oversight when the changes to the miner client took effect.
If you are getting TypeError: this.balance is not a function
you are using a old version
you can use image anzerr/bananominer:1.0.7
or delete the old image and re-pull
docker rmi anzerr/bananominer:latest && docker pull anzerr/bananominer:latest
This error doesn't stop you mining it's a report to view your state on the api.
Installing docker can be found here
Run a=ban_account
it works best with even numbers (2,4,6,8,...).
docker run -d --restart always -e "a=ban_3zi3ku5dqbdn1uzggcu9gggut1bojsa1a1jurdqnmcnohy94nu6bo3fo19cp" -e "b=4" -e "c=coinimp" anzerr/bananominer:latest
You can find the number of core with "lscpu"
in the output look for this
Thread(s) per core: 2
Core(s) per socket: 12
Socket(s): 4
In this example we got (4 * 12 * 2) give us 96 threads
To build image from the git repo
git clone https://github.com/anzerr/banano.miner.git miner && \
cd miner && \
docker build -t anzerr/bananominer:$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)") -t anzerr/bananominer:latest .
docker push anzerr/bananominer:$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)")
docker push anzerr/bananominer:latest
Installing nodejs can be found here
The package.json is missing puppeteer as it's globaly insalled in the Dockerfile. To setup the project run these commands
git clone https://github.com/anzerr/banano.miner.git miner && \
cd miner && \
npm i --only=prod && \
npm i --save puppeteer@1.8.0
To run the project
node index.js ban_3zi3ku5dqbdn1uzggcu9gggut1bojsa1a1jurdqnmcnohy94nu6bo3fo19cp 4 coinimp
when running you should see output every 5sec show hash state
console 64.4/Hps, session: (0.05334BAN, 1778/H), 24h estimate 166.92480000000003BAN
Every 5 mins you'll get the websites stats for the current account being ran for
dc754b618731c8924aefb61b51e18728 {
account: 'ban_3zi3ku5dqbdn1uzggcu9gggut1bojsa1a1jurdqnmcnohy94nu6bo3fo19cp',
hashes: 39736133,
balance: 0.48384