Apache EventMesh v1.2.0 (Incubating)
ISSUE #74 Suggest support rocketmq as store
ISSUE #176 Support Spi for extended implementation to accommodate a variety of MQ
ISSUE #190 Support pub/sub ,heartbeat manage and subscribe manage for http
ISSUE #201 Support running eventmesh in docker
ISSUE #391 Optimize interface design in eventmesh-connector-api
ISSUE #378 downstream broadcast msg asynchronously
ISSUE #186 Separate the eventmesh-connector-defibus and eventmesh-connector-rocketmq config from eventmesh-runtime
ISSUE #366 Clear some legacy concept
ISSUE #256 Upgrade Openmessaging-api to 2.2.1-pubsub version
ISSUE #397 Remove subscription session failed error
ISSUE #386 ConsumerGroup Queue Offset is not synced up correctly after PullConsumer has consumer all the messages in the topic
ISSUE #382 java.lang.NumberFormatException when parsing Long
ISSUE #368 Racing Condition problem in EventMesh SDK's LiteConsumer HTTP Client
ISSUE #211 Rocketmq-connector throw nullpointer exception
ISSUE #203 The consumer pull request message's attribute 'bizSeqNo' is null
ISSUE #212 For multiple listening instances, only the last started instance can receive messages
ISSUE #216 EventMesh ProxyTcpRetryer throws NumberFormatException
ISSUE #226 eventMesh-rocketmq-connector tcp pub throw operation time out exception
ISSUE #188 Test send sync RR(request-response) msg failed, just send one message, but receive msgs continuously
ISSUE #184 Eventmesh-connector-rocketmq can not send and receive msg successfully
ISSUE #220 pub/sub client fails to start
ISSUE #222 When onChange is NEW, eventMesh occurred NullPointException
Document and Code Style Improvement
ISSUE #393 The topic name in test file is long and obscure
ISSUE #302 Add "Incubating" to the project name in docs
ISSUE #306 Modify the package name to org.apache and improve the test cases
ISSUE #304 Lack Notice file of eventmesh project
ISSUE #295 Lack of licenses in each source file under the eventmesh-runtime module
ISSUE #265 Specification of code structure and file naming
ISSUE #219 Supply detail information or for eventmesh running in docker
ISSUE #242 Lack protocol document in English
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