Vector clock is a building block for allowing multiple versions of data in a distributed systems. It's being used on a distributed key value store such as Dynamo. This library is an implementation of a vector clock in Golang.
go get -u
package main
import (
func main() {
// Initialize empty vector clock
v1 := vclock.VClock{}
// Increment vector clock for a given process id
v1.Tick("pid1") // v1 = VClock{"pid1": 1}
// Create a copy of v1 and advance clock for pid2
v2 := v1.Copy()
v2.Tick("pid2") // v2 = VClock{"pid1": 1, "pid2": 1}
// Create a copy of v1 and advance clock for pid3
v3 := v1.Copy()
v3.Tick("pid3") // v3 = VClock{"pid1": 1, "pid3": 1}
// Use relation to find out the relation of two vector clocks
v2.Relation(v3) // Conflict
v2.Relation(v1) // Descendant
// Merge two vector clocks
v2.Merge(v3) // VClock{"pid1": 1, "pid2": 1, "pid3": 1}
Since VClock uses map[string]uint64 as its underlying implementation, it can be serialized directly over the network using any serialization protocol you choose such as JSON, msgpack, etc.