This repository contains various C programming projects, tutorials, and examples designed to help you learn and master the fundamentals and advanced concepts of the C programming language. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find useful code examples, clear documentation, and comprehensive projects that cover a wide range of topics in C.
This repository is dedicated to exploring the C programming language through practical examples and projects. The projects range from simple programs, such as "Hello World" and basic arithmetic operations, to more complex tasks like file I/O, data structures, and algorithm implementations. Each program is well-documented with comments and explanations to help you understand the underlying concepts.
- Basic Programs: Simple programs covering control structures, loops, conditionals, and basic input/output.
- Intermediate Projects: Examples that delve into functions, arrays, pointers, and structures.
- Advanced Topics: Complex projects that include dynamic memory allocation, data structures, algorithms, and system-level programming.
- Comprehensive Documentation: Each program includes detailed comments and a multi-line header explaining its purpose, usage, and logic.
- Cross-Platform Compatibility: The programs are written in standard C, ensuring they compile and run on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS).
To run the programs in this repository, you need a C compiler installed on your system. Here are some common options:
- GCC:
- Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
- Fedora:
sudo dnf install gcc
- Ubuntu/Debian:
- Clang: Available on most platforms as an alternative to GCC.
- Windows: Use MinGW or Visual Studio for C development.
Clone this repository using Git:
git clone
Navigate to the repository directory:
cd c-programming
Each subdirectory or C file in this repository is a standalone program. To compile and run a program, use the following commands (for linux terminal):
gcc filename.c
For example, to compile and run the hello.c program:
gcc hello.c