adjective NORTH AMERICAN informal
achieved with a single attempt or action.
"there is no one-shot solution to the problem"
done, produced, or occurring only once.
"a one-shot deal"
The playbook takes the input from a csv file containing hosts and commands, and converts it into a host inventory file which is used to push config out on mass.
I'm working on not making the variables static, and converting this into a role, which can be downloaded in Galaxy.
Verify Serial Number, hostname and Software type, and gracefully exit if this doesn't match.
Push the change.
Save when modified.
- Run a show command on the thing you want to push, and exit if you match.
- Backup before you make a change, optional.
- Backup after the change is complete, optional. Most of the above will need to be broken out into roles, but that will come at a later date.
This play is work in progress, so not all of the features are complete.
ansible-playbook oneshot.yml -vv --tags "gen_hosts"
ansible-playbook oneshot.yml
inventory_hostname | ansible_ssh_host | ansible_ssh_port | serno | type | parent | line1 | line2 |
csr1 | | 2221 | 9HGPHTOFJIH | IOS | interface GigabitEthernet1 | description Hello World | ip address dhcp |