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Allen Fayland edited this page Jun 13, 2021 · 4 revisions

Adding your own custom shortener takes just two steps. First, create a shorten class for accessing your API of choice. Next, add a filter to activate it.

Create Your Custom Shorten Class

The file for your shortener class can live anywhere in your WordPress site codebase. It must implement the Shorten interface provided at /wp-content/plugins/utm-dot-codes/classes/shorten/interface.php and contain the methods:

  • shorten()
  • get_response()
  • get_error()

Example Class

 * Sample API shortener class.
 * @package UtmDotCodes

namespace UtmDotCodes;

 * Class Sample.
class Sample implements \UtmDotCodes\Shorten {

	const API_URL = 'https://api.service.tld/v1';

	 * API credentials for sample API.
	 * @var string|null The API key for the shortener.
	private $api_key;

	 * Response from API.
	 * @var object|null The response object from the shortener.
	private $response;

	 * Error message.
	 * @var object|null Error object with code and message properties.
	private $error_code;

	 * Sample constructor.
	 * @param string $api_key Credentials for API.
	public function __construct( $api_key ) {
		$this->api_key = $api_key;

	 * See interface for docblock.
	 * @inheritDoc
	 * @param array  $data See interface.
	 * @param string $query_string See interface.
	 * @return void
	public function shorten( $data, $query_string ) {
		// Logic to submit request to API and set response/error from response.

	 * Get response from Sample API for the request.
	 * @inheritDoc
	public function get_response() {
		return $this->response;

	 * Get error code/message returned by Sample API for the request.
	 * @inheritDoc
	public function get_error() {
		return $this->error_code;

Enable Custom Shortener with API Filter

The utmdc_shorten_object filter allows you to replace the active shortener with your own custom shorten object. To enable your shortener include the shorten class file and return an instance of it's shorten object.

add_filter('utmdc_shorten_object', function( $shortener ){
	include_once 'PATH_TO_YOUR_/shortener.php';
	return new CustomShortener( 'YOUR_API_KEY' );