Releases: asteroide-development/Asteroide
Releases · asteroide-development/Asteroide
Asteroide 0.1.7
Asteroide 0.1.6
V6 Finally released!!!!
New Modules
- ChestStealer - Automatically takes all items from Inventories
- MinehutAutoJoin - Automatically joins random minehut servers when in the lobby
- BorderNoclip - Removes the world border collision
- AutoLogin - Automatically logs in on cracked servers
- InvCleaner - Automatically drops useless items in your inventory
- BorderNoclip - Removes the world border collision
- VersionSpoof - Spoofs your minecraft version.
- Tracker - Tracks a player by always looking at it. Must be loaded!
- Aimbot - Self explanatory.
- ChatEncryption - Encrypts your chat messages so only asteroide users can read them
- Distribute - Automatically distributes duped items.
- Troll - Automatically msgs random people.
- FastStaircase - Makes you walk up stairs quickly
New Commands
- .bypass - Lets you bypass most chat filters
- .math - Solves math equations for you
- .c -
, but automatically sends the solution in the chat as requested by knew.stm - .whereis - Makes you look at a specified player
- .track - Tracks a specified player. Use with Tracker module.
Other Changes
- WordFilter is not experimental anymore
- Once again fixed and enhanced AutoChatgame
- Enhanced AutoMacro
- Slightly enhanced AutoFuck
- Renamed PlatformFly to AirWalk
- Various other small bug fixes
Asteroide 0.1.5
Asteroide 0.1.5 finally released!
New Modules:
- AutoHotbar - Automatically swaps between slots in your hotbar
- MultiCommandCommandBlock - Gives you a command block with multiple commands inside
- PlatformFly - Lets you fly by stopping you from falling
- BetterBungeeSpoof - Lets you join BungeeCord servers with an exposed backend
- BetterCollisions (In Development) - Meteor Client's Collisions, but better
- CreativeFlight - Allows you to fly like you're in creative mode
- AutoFuck - Automatically fucks other players
New Commands:
- .me - Basic information for devs
- .cmdblock - Gives you a command block with the specified command inside
- .phase - Vclip, but sideways
New Hud Elements:
- Spoofed IP - Shows your IP that's spoofed from BungeeSpoof
- Minehut IP - Shows you the IP of the minehut server you're currently playing on
Other new Features:
- Enhanced AutoBack
- Enhanced AutoMacro
- Added some more features to Essentials
- AutoXd is now experimental
Asteroide 0.1.4
Experimental Modules
Enhanced .perm
Enhanced AntiAnnoucement
Enhanced AutoChatGame (again)
General Changes
DeathNotifier is now experimental
WordFilter is now experimental
Removed AutoXd
Asteroide 0.1.4-dev
0.1.4 Pre-release, overhauled some modules, added some
Asteroide 0.1.3-fix
Fix various important bugs
Asteroide 0.1.3
New Modules
- AntiAnnouncement
- AutoBack
- AutoChatGame
- AutoXd
- DeathNotifier
- ServerCrash
New Commands
- .fuckserver
- .getitem
- .perm
- .scrash
Other Changes
- Enhanced and fixed various bugs in AutoKys
- Other small bug fixes
Asteroide 0.1.2
Initial Release