A curated list of awesome things related to Digital Animation.
- New Masters Academy has a bunch of free videos of models performing various poses on YouTube!
- Ben Marriot and Jake in Motion for anything AfterEffects/2D animation
- Alan Becker's 12 Principles of Animation
- 2D Animation Class - Animator Island
- Pixar in a Box
- thinking animation - ANIMATION EXERCISES
- 51 Great Animation Loops to Practice
- The Animator's Survival Kit - Richard Williams
- Perspective
- Animal Drawing
- Flipping Out: The Art of Flip Book Animation
- The "Ultimate" Reddit Beginners Guide to Animation
- A beginner's 10 step, LONG TERM program to becoming an animator
- r/animationcareer/learningresources
- r/animationcareer program list - Answer the "What program do I use?" question.
- awesome-human-motion
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