This repository will give you concrete examples to get starting using GreengrassV2 to build Image Inferencing and Video Analytics Pipelines
Technologies used:
- GreengrassV2
- NVIDIA Deepstream 5.0
- Sagemaker NEO DLR
- GreengrassV2 (
- AWS CLI with GreengrassV2 support (
- Jetpack 4.4 (
- numpy (This takes a long time to install, if you don't have it installer will try to install)
- opencv-python (Should be pre-installed with Jetpack 4.4)
PLEASE NOTE: This deployment may install/modify components on your Jetson device. It will install some python packages outside of a virtual environment. This is because python-opencv is specially installed as part of Jetpack 4.4 and the debian package may run for a long period of time and not succesfully complete (numpy can also take a long time to install).
replace GreengrassCore where mentioned run:
cd ~/GreengrassCore
aws greengrassv2 create-component-version --inline-recipe fileb://recipes/aws.greengrass.JetsonDLRImageClassification-1.0.0.json
aws greengrassv2 create-component-version --inline-recipe fileb://recipes/variant.Jetson.DLR-1.0.0.json
aws greengrassv2 create-component-version --inline-recipe fileb://recipes/variant.Jetson.ImageClassification.ModelStore-1.0.0.json
- Go to AWS Iot Core Console (
- Choose Greengrass -> Components
- You should see the components you created via the AWS CLI.
- Choose any one of the three components you created
- Choose 'Deploy'
- Choose 'Create new deployment' then choose 'Next'
- For 'Name' give the deployment a name
- For 'Target type' enter the name of your device core (
- Choose 'Next'
- On the 'Select Components' screen, make sure to select all 3 of the components you created and Choose 'Next'
- On the 'Configure Components' screen, choose Next
- On the 'Configure advanced settings' screen, choose Next
- On the 'Review' screen choose 'Deploy'
success: Now let's go to the MQTT Test client in the AWS Console to see our inference working:
- Inside of IoT Core console, choose 'Test' then 'MQTT Test Client'
- Subscribe to topic 'demo/topic'
- You should see messages looking like the following:
"message": "{\"class\":\"Chihuahua\",\"confidence\":\"17.977331\"}",
"timestamp": "2021-01-06T18:30:05"
- if you get a failure, check the 'greengrass.log' file on your Jetson device in /greengrass/v2/logs/greengrass.log and /greengrass/v2/logs/aws.greengrass.JetsonDLRImageClassification.log
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.