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A simple library that can control commands to implement event scripts.


using System;
using UnityCommandController;
using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    private CommandController m_controller;

    private void Awake()
        // Type list of commands to use.
        var commandTypes = new []
            typeof( LogCommand ),
            typeof( CreateCommand ),
            typeof( SetPositionCommand ),
            typeof( MoveCommand ),
            typeof( JumpCommand ),
            typeof( WaitCommand ),
            typeof( ClickCommand ),

        // Create instances to control commands.
        m_controller = new CommandController( commandTypes );

        // Create a list of commands.
        var commands = new[]
            "LogCommand|Ignored here.",
            "LogCommand|Jumped here.",

        // Objects and parameters controlled by command.
        GameObject cube = null;
        var startPos =;
        var endPos =;

        // Set command event.
        CreateCommand.OnCreate += go => cube = go;
        SetPositionCommand.OnSetPosition += pos => cube.transform.localPosition = pos;
        MoveCommand.OnMoveStart += pos =>
            startPos = cube.transform.localPosition;
            endPos = pos;
        MoveCommand.OnMove += amount =>
            cube.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp( startPos, endPos, amount );
        MoveCommand.OnMoveEnd += () => cube.transform.localPosition = endPos;
        JumpCommand.OnJump += index => m_controller.JumpToIndex( index );

        // Called when all commands are finished.
        m_controller.OnEnd += () => print( "Finished." );

        // Command start.
        m_controller.Start( commands );

    private void Update()
        // Command update.

public class LogCommand : CommandBase
    private string m_message;

    public LogCommand( CommandArugments args )
        m_message = args[ 1 ];

    protected override void DoStart()
        Debug.Log( m_message );

public class CreateCommand : CommandBase
    private string m_name;
    private Vector3 m_pos;

    public static event Action<GameObject> OnCreate = delegate { };

    public CreateCommand( CommandArugments args )
        m_name = args[ 1 ];
        m_pos = new Vector3
            args.ToFloat( 2 ),
            args.ToFloat( 3 ),
            args.ToFloat( 4 )

    protected override void DoStart()
        var go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cube ); = m_name;
        go.transform.localPosition = m_pos;
        OnCreate( go );
        Debug.Log( "Object creation complete." );

public class SetPositionCommand : CommandBase
    private Vector3 m_pos;

    public static event Action<Vector3> OnSetPosition = delegate { };

    public SetPositionCommand( CommandArugments args )
        m_pos = new Vector3
            args.ToFloat( 1 ),
            args.ToFloat( 2 ),
            args.ToFloat( 3 )

    protected override void DoStart()
        OnSetPosition( m_pos );
        Debug.Log( "Object position setting complete." );

public class MoveCommand : CommandBase
    private Vector3 m_pos;
    private float m_duration;
    private float m_elapsedTime;

    public override bool IsEnd { get { return m_duration <= m_elapsedTime; } }

    public static event Action<Vector3> OnMoveStart = delegate { };
    public static event Action<float> OnMove = delegate { };
    public static event Action OnMoveEnd = delegate { };

    public MoveCommand( CommandArugments args )
        m_pos = new Vector3
            args.ToFloat( 1 ),
            args.ToFloat( 2 ),
            args.ToFloat( 3 )
        m_duration = args.ToFloat( 4 );

    protected override void DoStart()
        OnMoveStart( m_pos );
        Debug.Log( "Object movement start." );

    protected override void DoUpdate()
        m_elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
        OnMove( m_elapsedTime / m_duration );

    protected override void DoDispose()
        Debug.Log( "End of object movement." );

public class JumpCommand : CommandBase
    private int m_index;

    public static event Action<int> OnJump = delegate { };

    public JumpCommand( CommandArugments args )
        m_index = args.ToInt( 1 );

    protected override void DoStart()
        OnJump( m_index );

public class WaitCommand : CommandBase
    private float m_time;
    private float m_elapsedTime;

    public override bool IsEnd { get { return m_time <= m_elapsedTime; } }

    public WaitCommand( CommandArugments args )
        m_time = args.ToFloat( 1 );

    protected override void DoStart()
        Debug.Log( "Standby start." );

    protected override void DoUpdate()
        m_elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;

    protected override void DoDispose()
        Debug.Log( "Wait end." );

public class ClickCommand : CommandBase
    public override bool IsEnd { get { return Input.GetMouseButtonDown( 0 ); } }

    public ClickCommand( CommandArugments args ) { }

    protected override void DoStart()
        Debug.Log( "Wait for input." );

    protected override void DoDispose()
        Debug.Log( "Input confirmation." );


A simple library that can control commands to implement event scripts.








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