- 🔭 I’m currently working on React, Svelte, Next.js
- 📫 How to reach me balliozbasar@gmail.com
- Personal Website: ballioz.dev
It is a reponsive web project inspired by VSCode interface that I developed using ReactJS - MaterialUI for my personal website.
JavaScript 1
It is a simple Next.js project that dynamically lists (also filter, add to cart and etc.) products with data from API
JavaScript 2
It is a RESTful API project where you can instantly see the current crypto money values.
JavaScript 5
You will be able to convert currency between foreign exchange rates in real time thanks to this RESTful API project. JQuery and Bootstrap used.
Created with love for IT321 class final project. A forum site project for Kadir Has University. Developed by usin PHP&MYSQL on EC2 virtual machines.
I am sharing my first 2D android game project that i made by using java language
Java 5