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# Copyright 2007-2008 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.

README for Scalaris

Scalaris is a scalable and fault-tolerant structured storage with strong data
consistency for online databases or Web 2.0 services.

For a more detailed description see the documentation in


You will need:
- Erlang R12
- GNU Make

- java
- ant
- libxslt


make docs

Note: There is no make install at the moment!

Afterwards the system is built. 


Configuration is currently done with bin/scalaris.cfg and
bin/scalaris.local.erl (optionally). bin/scalaris.cfg contains default for
various parameters and shouldn't be changed normally.

bin/scalaris.local.cfg is necessary for distributed setups and contains
parameters which have to be adapted to the local
environment. bin/scalaris.local.cfg.example is an example file.

change the ip-address in the tuple to your own. (boot_host)

log_path: the path to the log directory.


Open at least two shells. In the first go into the bin directory:

This will start the boot server. On success http://localhost:8000
should point to the statistics page of the boot server.

In a second shell:

In a third shell:

In a fourth shell:

This will add 3 nodes to the network. The web pages should show the
additional nodes.

Starting nodes in same VM:
In the Erlang-shell of the boot node do:
> admin:add_nodes(3).


The boot server will start a web server on port 8000. Please make sure
that no other applications is using the port.
To check call:
netstat -ltp | grep irdmi
netstat -ltp | grep 8000
Both commands will check whether an application is already using the 

If you are not able to load the yaws module during boot _and_ are running
R11, unpack the yaws-R11.tgz in the contrib-directory. Thereafter, run
make clean && make.


Scalaris nodes are listening on TCP port 14195 by default. This is
defined in scalaris.cfg in the line containing 'listen_port'. For
distributed deployments of Scalaris the firewall has to allow
connections to this port from the outside. The port can be change in
the aforementioned configuration file or by an environment variable.
The uses the environment variable CS_PORT to change the
port to 14196. This allows us to run several Scalaris nodes on the same
Overview of directories

bin		the executables (.sh and .beam)
contrib		necessary third party packages
doc		generated erlang documentation
docroot		root directory of the integrated webserver
java-api	a java api to Scalaris
log		log files
src		the erlang source code
tests		unit tests for Scalaris
user-dev-guide  users and developers guide


This is only a mirror of scalaris project hosted in







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