Contributor : Kavish Pandit
Node-Js-Weather application using weather api
Visit the Heroku link 🔗
🎫 Uses node js with postman for meeting Endpoints of backend
🛠️ Used Hbh and Google Public API and Weather API
React-Redux app to track IT department tasks and issues. Uses JSON-Server as a mock backend.
📟- Node.js - JavaScript runtime
📟- Express - Server Framework
📟- Axios - Promise-based HTTP requests
📟- ESLint - Linting utility
📟- MapQuest API - Latitude and longitude
📟- DarkSky - Weather information
Before reporting bugs:
- get the newest version of the Notes app
Re-created a simple weather website using Node.js, Express, and Axios for submitting an API request to MapQuest and DarkSky to retrieve location information and the current weather, respectively.
This app is deployed to Heroku.
You will need to sign up for an API key at MapQuest and DarkSky to use this app locally via your localhost. Create a .env
file in the root folder to store your keys and access them using the dotenv
After downloading or cloning the repo perform the following steps:
Open the project folder at the root in your terminal and run npm install
to download the dependencies needed for this project.
Next, type node src/app.js
to run the Express server which defaults to localhost:3000.