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Bryan de Oliveira Brettas edited this page May 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

Attendance - Ctrl

This is an end-of-course project, the objective of it is to develop a web application written in Ruby.

The web application main functionality will be serving a system that teachers will use to manage students attendance inside an LMS.

It will use the IMS-LTI standard to integrate the website inside the LMS and get the students list, besides displaying different views depending on the user role.

As an educational purpose, I'll use this GitHub repository to keep the record of each of the steps of the development.

In order to do that I'll use:

  • Descriptive commits with screenshots/gifs of new little functionalities or changes

  • Use GitHub wiki pages to keep a centralized manual of development.

  • Use GitHub issues to organize, schedule and label tasks.

Technologies used in this project :

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker
  • IMS - Learning Tools Interoperability standard
  • GitHub
  • Travis CI
  • Heroku

Every paid service used in this project is part of GitHub - Student Developer Pack.

Some other services like Heroku are freemium, but for the purpose of deploying a demo, the free version will be enough.