Releases: bropenguin847/Real-Time-Vibration-Analysis
Releases · bropenguin847/Real-Time-Vibration-Analysis
Download the zip or 7z package, extract it. Use stm32CubeIDE to run the program. Use STLINK-V2 to upload the program to stm32 Blackpill and then use USB-C cable (data cable) to read the values through a serial monitor.
Good luck using it. Refer to the friendly documentation.
v1.1 - Updated coding
Download the zip or 7z package, extract it. Use stm32CubeIDE to run the program. Use STLINK-V2 to upload the program to stm32 blackpill and then use usb-c cable (data cable) to read the values through a serial monitor.
Good luck using it. Refer to the friendly documentation.
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