Install .net core for Mac
after this you should be able to run
from the terminal successfully
clone the repository
git clone
cd site
restore dependencies for .net core
dotnet restore
install node modules
npm i
run the site
Pages are defined in the Pages Views folder. This is mapped to URLs through a convention.
/pages/contentcards will be mapped to the view /Views/Pages/ContentCards.cshtml
Components are defined in the /Views/Components folder.
These can be rendered using the @Component.Render method.
JSON files in the data folder are available by convention for dummy data e.g.:
@Component.Render( viewName : "~/Views/Components/content-cards/content-cards.cshtml",
componentPath : "content-cards.contentCards.blockA")
componentPath maps to a JSON file called content-cards.json which contains an object called contentCards with a property blockA which has the data for a content card.
To return JSON from the application json files can be placed in the api folder.
These can then be accessed through a convention mapping the folder structure to the json files.
/api/content will rerurn the /api/content.json
/api/users/user will return a json fole placed at /api/users/user.json