From Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree
Logs analysis is a reporting tool that prints out reports (in plain text) based on the data in database. This reporting tool is a Python program using the psycopg2
module to connect to the database.
Here are the questions the reporting tool should answer.
1. What are the most popular three articles of all time? Which articles have been accessed the most? Present this information as a sorted list with the most popular article at the top.
2. Who are the most popular article authors of all time? That is, when you sum up all of the articles each author has written, which authors get the most page views? Present this as a sorted list with the most popular author at the top.
3. On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors? The log table includes a column status that indicates the HTTP status code that the news site sent to the user's browser.
1. Install the virtual machine to run in Python.
2. Download the virtual machine configuration You can download and unzip this file: This will give you a directory called FSND-Virtual-Machine. It may be located inside your Downloads folder.
1. Start the virtual machine Inside the vagrant subdirectory, run the command
$ vagrant up
This will cause Vagrant to download the Linux operating system and install it. This may take quite a while (many minutes) depending on how fast your Internet connection is.When vagrant up is finished running, you will get your shell prompt back. At this point, you can run
$ vagrant ssh
to log in to your newly installed Linux VM.
2. Download the data
Download the data here. You will need to unzip this file after downloading it. The file inside is called newsdata.sql
. Put this file into the vagrant
directory, which is shared with your virtual machine. To load the data, cd into the vagrant
directory and connect to your installed database server with the command
$ cd /vagrant
$ psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
1. Explore the data
Once you have the data loaded into your database, connect to your database using psql -d news
and explore the tables using the \dt
and \d
table commands and select statements.
— display tables — lists the tables that are available in the database.\d
table — (replace table with the name of a table) — shows the database schema for that particular table.
The database includes three tables:
- The
table includes information about the authors of articles. - The
table includes the articles themselves. - The
table includes one entry for each time a user has accessed the site.
2. To run
Download this repository into the vagrant
directory and execute this program with the command
$ python