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Releases: cancerit/vafCorrect

Bugfix release 4.1.1

29 Jan 15:37
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Fixed bug introduced during object oriented conversion, it was never in the original production release 3.2.x


28 Jan 13:43
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Object oriented codebase
Contains pre-calculated VAF values in FORMAT field for both augmented and consolidated output
Easy to submit farm jobs since per sample commands were now written into separate file.
Unmatched normal is now automatically linked if it resides in another project
Progress is tracked per chromosome which means failed jobs can be resumed from last unsuccessful chromosome.


26 Jan 15:53
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Object oriented codebase
Contains pre-calculated VAF values in FORMAT field
Easy to submit to farm as per sample commands were now written into separate file.
Unmatched normal is now automatically linked across the projects
Progress is tracked per chromosome which means failed jobs can be resumed from last unsuccessful chromosome.


04 Nov 16:32
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Added condition to check variant that fall at the end of a chromosome


04 Sep 15:14
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Added option to create config file for user defined list of samples


14 Aug 13:46
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Added .BAS file symlink generation


02 Jul 12:38
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Added per nucleotide count, mutant base is counted only if it matches with original caveman call.


24 Jun 11:55
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Added x10 specific result type for BAM, added additional reference genome constant for x10


24 Jun 11:56
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Updated ref pos calculation for inserted bases where tandem duplication causing lot of ambiguous reads


29 Apr 15:29
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  1. Released new bug fix for vcfCommons — BUG: When both the reads from a pair are mapped on different strand at same variant location those reads were counted twice towards total count for either REF or ALT allele.
    This bug has now fixed and only read with best alignment [ based on distance of variant position in a read] on one of the strand is counted towards total count.
  2. Log is now written in a log file created in the user’s working directory.