Extension to HttpClientFactory that exposes common Http Request methods.
Upgrading? Be sure to check the Breaking Changes section for any changes that might affect your code.
You can install the NuGet package within Visual Studio. It targets .net standard 2.1.
PM> Install-Package CardboardBox.Http
This library depends on the IJsonService
provided in CardboardBox.Json
and will need to be provided in the dependency injection setup.
By default the library will use the System.Text.Json
library for serialization and deserialization.
This can be changed by providing a custom implementation of IJsonService
in the dependency injection setup.
There is also a default implementation of IJsonService
provided in CardboardBox.Json
that uses Newtonsoft.Json
for serialization and deserialization.
You will need to use one of the following to register the IJsonService
in the dependency injection setup:
using CardboardBox.Json;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
//Uses System.Text.Json (You can pass in a custom JsonSerializerOptions instance)
//Uses Newtonsoft.Json (you'll need to include the ``CardboardBox.Json.Newtonsoft`` package)
//Alternatively you can provide your own implementation of IJsonService
You can setup the Api Client using the following code:
Where ever you register your services with Dependency Injection, you can add:
using CardboardBox.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
This will register the IHttpClientFactory as well as all of the other dependencies necessary for handling CardboardBox.Http
Once CardboardBox.Http is registered with your service collection you can inject the IApiService
into any of your services and get access to all of the default methods
using CardboardBox.Http;
namespace ExampleHttp;
public class SomeService(IApiService _api)
public Task<SomeModel> GetSomething()
return _api.Get<SomeModel>("https://example.org");
There were some base changes in 3.x.x that might break anyone using 2.x versions:
There were some default caching methods in 2.x that were removed as they were causing issues with some of the new changes and they were hardly used by the people I surveyed.
If you need caching, you can implement it yourself by extending the IApiService
interface and adding your own caching logic.
There are now various other things you can configure on the IHttpBuilder
outside of just the HttpRequestMessage
as such, the config
parameter on all of the request methods in the IApiService
have changed from Action<HttpRequestMessage>
to Action<IHttpBuilderConfig>
You can pipe your old configurations to the IHttpBuilderConfig.Message()
method to get the same behavior.
The underlying CardboardBox.Json
package no longer implements a service for Newtonsoft.Json
so if you're using you will need to include the CardboardBox.Json.Newtonsoft
package and register the service with it's extension method: IServiceCollection.AddNewtonsoftJson()
This is to reduce the number of dependencies that are included by default and to resolve some virus scanning issues that were reporting false positives on the Newtonsoft.Json
You should also consider moving to
as it's the new implementation for serialization in .net core and is faster thanNewtonsoft.Json
Various configuration methods on IHttpBuilder
have been moved to extension methods to simplify the builder and reduce the number of methods that need to be implemented when rolling your own HttpBuilder
The only configuration option that's signature has changed is the IHttpBuilder.With(Action<HttpRequestMessage>)
which has been changed to IHttpBuilder.With(Action<IHttpBuilderConfig>)
If you want the same behavior as before, you can use the IHttpBuilder.Message(Action<HttpRequestMessage>)
method instead.
The API call methods on the IApiService
have been moved to extension methods to simplify the code and commenting.
You can still configure the IApiService.Create()
method to change the default behavior of the IHttpBuilder
if you need to.
Also, the GenerateUri
methods have been moved to the IHttpBuilder
interface as extension methods.
There were some base changes in 2.0 that might break anyone using 1.x versions:
In version 1.x, by default FailGracefully
was enabled on all requests.
This would make it so if the request failed with a status code outside of the 200 range, it would just return null
This has been turned off by default in 2.0.0. If you want to turn it back on, you can chain the .FailGracefully()
builder on any IHttpBuilder
or override the Create()
method on the IApiService
There is now a FailWithThrow
option on the IHttpBuilder
that allows for toggling the FailGracefully
option, this previously didn't exist and was an oversight on my part.
The auto-inclusion of the CardboardBox.Json
services in the dependency injection handler has been removed.
You will need to manually add the CardboardBox.Json package to your dependency injection handler otherwise you will receive an error trying to resolve the IApiService
See the section in the installation instructions for more information.