This is a Mini-Project for SC1015 (Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) focusing on Heart Failure Prediction.
- @yaomingng - Exploratary Data Analysis
- @Kaiien01 - Decision Tree Uni-Variate/Multi-Variate
- @CavinKavi - Random Forest
Can we predict heart failure based on attributes? Which model is best to predict it?
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Able to predict whether a patient will have chances of getting a heart disease based on his/her medical conditions.
- To see what changes can be made to lower the chances of getting a heart disease.
- Making use of other classification techniques such as random forest classification to improve on the overall performance of the model.
- Instead of removing NaN values, we can also replace it with median or mean depending on the situation.
- Collaborating using GitHub
- Accuracy Score