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Arduino system to process and transmit car data. Uses an Arduino Due with the following additional hardware:

  • Digi Xbee3 LTE-M cellular modem connected to Serial2 for transmitting data
  • Garmin 15x-W GPS connected to Serial1
    • White wire = ground (not needed)
    • Black wire = ground
    • Red wire = 3.3v
    • Yellow wire = pin 19 Rx1
    • Blue wire = pin 18 Tx1
    • Orange wire = ground (not needed)


  • Install Arduino Due board using Arduino IDE boards manager
  • Install the following libraries using Arduino IDE library manager:
    • TinyGPS
    • DueTimer
    • Scheduler
  • Install the Arduino-MemoryFree library manually to %UserProfile%\Documents\Arduino\libraries

Impotant XBee note

The XBee modem starts atuomatically upon receiving power and must always be shutdown safely before disconnecting power, or else there is risk of permanent hardware damage. The green DI05 light on the XBee Arduino shield will be blinking when the modem is on and solid when the modem is off.

Transmitted data

Field Unit Type
pack_voltage Volts float
pack_soc % float
pack_current Amps float
min_pack_temp Celsius float
avg_pack_temp Celsius float
max_pack_temp Celsius float
min_cell_voltage Volts float
avg_cell_voltage Volts float
max_cell_voltage Volts float
input_voltage Volts float
bms_fault Bit flags unsigned int
motor_speed MPH float
motor_current Amps float
motor_controller_temp Celsius float
motor_temp Celsius float
motor_fault Bit flags unsigned int
solar_voltage Volts float
solar_fault Bit flags unsigned int
gps_course Degrees float
gps_time hhmmsscc string
gps_date ddmmyy string
gps_lat Degrees float
gps_lon Degrees float
gps_speed MPH float

Orion BMS Fields Reference

Field BMS Field Name Default PID
Battery Voltage Pack Voltage 0xF00D
Battery Current Signed Pack Current 0xF00C
Battery Temperature Heatsink Temperature Sensor 0xF02D
Pack Charge Pack State of Charge 0xF00F


Personal study telemetry sorce someteam






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