This respository contains several of the python/shell scripts to reproduce several important figures for Jiang & Denolle, 2022. The scripts require having the cross-correlation functions and/or the velocity model derived by Jiang & Denolle, 2022. Both files are achieved at the publicly available archive Zenodo. Detailed description, usage and input files for each script are provided below.
Contact Chengxin Jiang ( if you have any questions or any bugs to report.
- Description: a python script to make beamforming calculations upon derived cross-correlation functions
- Inputs: the cross correlation functions between all MeSO-net stations and the station list
- Usage: python
- Description: a python script to reproduce the moveout plot for figure 4
- Inputs: the cross correlation functions between all MeSO-net stations
- Usage: python
- Description: a python script to reproduce the phase diagram using raw cross correlation functions
- Inputs: the cross correlation functions between all MeSO-net stations and the station list
- Usage: python
- Description: a C shell script to plot the mapviews of the Vs model at 0.5, 1, 2 and 2.5 km depth, respectively
- Inputs: station list; 3D velocity model (model_Kanto_0.01inc.dat); output file name
- Usage: csh figure10_plot_iso.csh model_Kanto_0.01inc.dat
- Description: a C shell script to plot the mapviews of the anisotropy model at 0.5, 1, 2 and 2.5 km depth, respectively
- Inputs: station list; 3D velocity model (model_Kanto_0.01inc.dat); output file name
- Usage: csh figure12_plot_aniso.csh model_Kanto_0.01inc.dat