- A demo bringing together Azure Automation, PostgreSQL and user-assigned managed identity.
$repo = "chgeuer/external_azureautomation_runbooks"
$revision = "d83c4994f2c93232720a987609fd7d2a712de05a"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(
"C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts\New-OnPremiseHybridWorker.ps1");
$s = "JoinAzureAutomationHybridWorkerGroup.ps1"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(
- A multi-tenant SaaS solution stores tenant-specific management information in PostgreSQL.
- Such management information could be a list of customer tenants, alongside with the Azure subscription IDs.
- Azure Automation should be able to fetch management information from that PostgreSQL instance.
- Azure Automation should be able to communicate with a PostgreSQL endpoint, which is not public accessible on the Internet, but only visible within an Azure VNET.
- Azure Automation should be able to manage resources in multiple Azure subscriptions.
- All sensitive information (connection strings, etc.) should be stored in Azure KeyVault.
- Favor 'user-assigned managed identity' over service principals.
- Whereever possible, try to avoid Azure service principals.
- 'Regular' service principals require that the applications securely handle the SP's secret/password/certificate.
A user-assigned managed identity which is authorized for a few things:
- Fetch the PostgreSQL database connection string from KeyVault
- Has contributor rights on subscriptions, or individual resource groups
A hybrid worker VM,
- which has PostgreSQL ODBC driver installed,
- which has access to that user-assigned identity,
- is conneced to Azure Automation and can run the Powershell runbook runs, which
- uses the user-assigned identity to fetch PostgreSQL connection information from KeyVault
- establish a SQL connection to PostgreSQL,
- retrieve the list of tenants and subscriptions (using the ODBC driver using .NET from PowerShell)
- Connect to these subscriptions or resource groups, and do some Azure management operation, such as listing all resource groups etc
- No local SP credentials stored on the VM
An Azure Automation account in which I can do the same as the hybrid worker VM (also connect to PostgreSQL), just with the difference that it uses the Azure Automation account’s service principal account, instead of a user-assigned identity.
An Azure Image Builder which creates VM images to be used for the hybrid worker VM
The idea for using a hybrid worker VM with Azure Automation was that, if the PostgreSQL DB is only reachable inside a VNET, instead of exposing a public (Internet) endpoint. When using a private endpoint for PostgreSQL, there’s a fair chance that Azure Automation-hosted runbooks would not be able to connect to the private PostgreSQL instance. Having a VM image, we can simply spin a VM for Azure Automation in a VNET of your choice…
- No service principals needed. Only user-assigned managed identity. No SP credentials on VMs.
- Azure Automation scripts using data from PostgreSQL database. Azure Automation being able to access PostgreSQL DB, even with Private Link.
- Support for multiple subscriptions.
- Choose password and prefix password: G6zu8.-JkG5th prefix: uniqprefixde123
- Deploy ARM template
- put prefix value into
- Give the user-assigned identity contributor rights on one or more subscriptions or resource groups
- Run
and paste the previously selected password - Validate your setting by running
or by runningtype %USERPROFILE%\.pgpass
- Tweak
with your subscription IDs - Install psql.exe from PostgreSQL
- Run
You should see
PS C:\> .\clientscripts\sql_setup.cmd
tenant_name | subscription_id
Christian Sub | ....
Holger Sub | ...
- Navigate to the automation account / "hybrid worker groups" and check that there is a group with VMs in it
- You should be able to use the prefix as username, and the password to mstsc.exe into the VMs
- On the automation account, select the "PostgreSQL-Managed-Identity-Crawler" runbook, and run it on the Hybrid Worker pool.