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Omnia is an Oracle Feed & Relay Client


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Omnia Tests Build & Push Docker Image

For more information on running oracles see:


Some convenience targets for make are available. If you have Docker installed, you can do

make build          # build all the images
make run            # run images after they're built
make test           # build and run integration tests

Working with Docker

We introduced Docker environment for local omnia development.

Please follow several steps to build and run it.

Building omnia image

NOTE: You have to build it from repo root.

$ docker build -t omnia -f docker/omnia/Dockerfile .

Running omnia with your local environment:

$ doc run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)"/lib:/home/omnia/lib -v "$(pwd)"/test:/home/omnia/test omnia /bin/bash

It will start bash session into docker comtainer with mounted lib and test folders.

To run omnia in container from prev command you can use omnia command:

$ omnia
Importing configuration from /home/omnia/config/feed.json...

SSB Image requirements

node:lts-alpine has some major changes and now it does not include python and make anymore. So we will have to rework SSB images.

For now it requires special Docker node base image. So before building this image run command:

$ doc pull node:lts-alpine3.14@sha256:366c71eebb0da62a832729de2ffc974987b5b00ab25ed6a5bd8d707219b65de4

Docker compose

For even more easy development we providing you with docker-compose.yml file that will help to set everything up for you.

Right now it contains omnia_feed container. It contains working feed configuration + spire integration.

And spire container with configured spire agent that will be called from omnia_feed.

Where to take chroniclelabs/spire:latest image ? For now you have to build it manually from Oracle Suite repo. Command for building image:

$ docker build -t chroniclelabs/spire:latest -f Dockerfile-spire .

Example of usage:

  1. Starting Spire Agent
$ docker-compose up -d spire
  1. Running omnia with bash:
$ docker-compose run --rm omnia_feed /bin/bash

Running Unit Tests

For simplicity we create unit tests runner inside docker container. So to run unit tests in fresh environment you can use this command:

$ docker-compose -f .github/docker-compose-unit-tests.yml run --rm omnia_unit_tests

It will create fresh omnia container, mount all your local sources and run tests from test/units folder. Example output:

Creating github_omnia_unit_tests_run ... done
Running: /home/omnia/test/units/
TAP version 13
ok 1 - importGasPrice should correctly parse values > run importGasPrice {"from":"0x","keystore":"","password":"","network":"mainnet","gasPrice":{"source":"node","multiplier":1,"priority":"fast"}}
ok 2 - ETH_GAS_SOURCE should have value: ethgasstation > match ^node
ok 3 - ETH_MAXPRICE_MULTIPLIER should have value: 1 > match ^1$
ok 4 - ETH_TIP_MULTIPLIER should have value: 1 > match ^1$
ok 5 - ETH_GAS_PRIORITY should have value: slow > match ^fast

Running E2E Tests

For E2E tests you need Docker to be installed and some basic predefined tools. We use smocker for mocking Exchange API requests/responses and local geth for omnia relay tests. To setup environment you can use this command:

$ docker-compose -f .github/docker-compose-e2e-tests.yml run omnia_e2e 

E2E Tests for Development

First of all for E2E tests we are using special image And to use it with your locl omnia version - you have to build it by yourself.

$ docker build -t .

If you already have this image on your local machine - you have to rebuild it!

$ docker rmi

For tests development process we created additional image omnia_e2e_dev that will be built from your current environment and will link local lib, exec and transport-e2e volumes. NOTE: This image will be built on, see test/e2e/Dockerfile.

Run it:

$ docker-compose -f .github/docker-compose-e2e-tests.yml run --rm omnia_e2e_dev

It will start bash session inside omnia dev container with mounted folders. From here you might run E2E tests using command:

$ go test -v -p 1 -parallel 1 -cpu 1 ./...

Running omnia feed tests

$ go test -v -p 1 -parallel 1 -cpu 1 ./feed

Running omnia Relayer tests

$ go test -v -p 1 -parallel 1 -cpu 1 ./relay

NB !!! If our machine wouldn't be able to build omnia_e2e_dev with error:

Building omnia_e2e_dev
Step 1/16 : FROM
ERROR: Service 'omnia_e2e_dev' failed to build : Head "": denied

It mean you have to pull or build it locally using command:

$ docker build -t .

Docker integration

Building Omnia with custom dependencies

For production use we building Omnia with predefined locked to tags dependencies:

Dependency Version Argument name Repository
Eth Sign tags/ethsign/0.17.0 ETHSIGN_REF
Gofer tags/v0.4.6 ORACLE_SUITE_REF
Spire tags/v0.4.6 ORACLE_SUITE_REF
Setzer tags/v0.4.2 SETZER_REF

We using git reference format to be able to use custom versions/commits for DEV builds. If you need to build omnia with custom version you can use Docker ARGs to do this.


$ docker build --build-arg ETHSIGN_REF=tags/ethsign/0.16.0 --build-arg SETZER_REF=8819397c3ebd7cf48fac7a3f5ce29985404f9354 -t omnia_custom .

Omnia Configuration

Dockerized Omnia default configuration:

Env Var Default value Description
OMNIA_CONFIG /home/omnia/omnia.json Omnia configuration file
SPIRE_CONFIG /home/omnia/spire.json Spire configuration file
GOFER_CONFIG /home/omnia/gofer.json Gofer configuration file
ETH_RPC_URL http://geth.local:8545 Setzer requirement for wstETH pair
ETH_GAS 7000000 Gofer configuration file

To set custom configuration values use ENV (environment variables)


$ docker run -e "ETH_GAS=28282828282" -e "OMNIA_INTERVAL=15"

Configuration files might be provided by mounting it into Docker container.


Replacing existing file:

$ docker run -v $(pwd)/omnia_config.json:/home/omnia/omnia.json

Setting new configuration file: You will have to rewrite OMNIA_CONFIG env var.

$ docker run -v $(pwd)/omnia_config.json:/home/omnia/omnia_config.json -e OMNIA_CONFIG=/home/omnia/omnia_config.json