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Muehe edited this page Feb 2, 2024 · 8 revisions

NOTE: This is landing page for the frequently-asked-questions channel on Discord, and as such mostly contains a collection of introductory links to other pages.

Important links


Please refer to the main page and the side-bar for further general information about the project.

Installation Instructions

Code repositories

Automatic releases of server binaries for Windows

Automatic releases of mangos DB as single SQL file (requires other DBs to be installed/updated manually)

Bug Reports

Bug reports for all expansions can be made on the issue tracker on this repository. Note that there is a separate tracker on the wotlk-db repository, but this is mostly for historic reasons.

Want to help us test and resolve issues?


CMaNGOS-related Tools

CMake-to-Boost known compatibility table

There have been reports of version mismatches between boost and cmake causing problems. If you encounter any such problems check this list and feel free to add the combination you were using.

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