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The `realmlist` table

This table sets up information on all available realms. Each row controls a different realm.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unsigned NO PRI auto_increment
name varchar(32) NO UNI
address varchar(32) NO
port int(11) NO 8085
icon tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
realmflags tinyint(3) unsigned NO 2
timezone tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
allowedSecurityLevel tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
population float unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The realm ID. This number is unique for every realm and it MUST correlate with the RealmID configuration value in mangosd.conf.


The name of the realm. This will appear in the realm selection list as well as in the character selection screen.


The public IP address or FQDN of the world server. DO NOT use localhost or in this field as this will cause a loop.


The port that the world server is running on. If all world servers are on the same machine, they will all need to use a different port.


The icon of the realm.

Icon Type
0 Normal
1 PvP
4 Normal
6 RP
8 RP PvP


flag comment
0×1 invalid, not show in realm list
0×2 offline, set by mangosd
0×4 show version and build
0×20 new players
0×40 recommended

The color denoting how "full" you want the realm to be displayed as.


The realm timezone, it will be displayed in the tabs of the realmlist

timezone displayed name
1 Development
2 United States
3 Oceanic
4 Latin America
5 Tournament
6 Korea
7 Tournament
8 English
9 German
10 French
11 Spanish
12 Russian
13 Tournament
14 Taiwan
15 Tournament
16 China
17 CN1
18 CN2
19 CN3
20 CN4
21 CN5
22 CN6
23 CN7
24 CN8
25 Tournament
26 Test Server
27 Tournament
28 QA Server
29 CN9


The minimum account gmlevel required for accounts to log in to this realm.


This field is automatically updated at regular intervals and will have the current population. The formula to calculate the value in this field is: playerCount / maxPlayerCount * 2. In the realm list in-game, the thresholds for low, medium, and high population are 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 respectively.

Category: Realm database tables: Realm database tables

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