Install the AWS command line tools
Set up a named AWS
called cfb
with an access key id and secret from AWS IAM. You may need to
create a new user in IAM with the ability to create and manage CloudFormation stacks.
When creating the new queue:
Enable Content-based deduplication. In the GUI, it's shown as a checkbox in
the Configuration section. If you're using the CLI, set
to true
in your attributes map.
export AWS_PROFILE=cfb
aws sqs create-queue --queue-name "cfb-beacon-dev.fifo" --attributes '{ "MessageRetentionPeriod":"7200","FifoQueue":"true","ContentBasedDeduplication":"true" }'
To finish configuration, you'll need two more pieces of information: a signing secret and a token.
You'll find the signing secret under Basic Information.
Under OAuth & Permissions, create a token by installing the new app in your
workspace. This will be your BOT_OAUTH_TOKEN
. It usually starts with xoxp
On the command line, in root of this project, run:
aws ssm put-parameter --name "/beacon/dev/slack/token" --value "BOT_OAUTH_TOKEN" --type SecureString
aws ssm put-parameter --name "/beacon/dev/slack/secret" --value "SIGNING_SECRET" --type SecureString
aws ssm put-parameter --name "/beacon/dev/github/secret" --value "GITHUB_SECRET" --type SecureString
with the appropriate values substituted.
On the Google Cloud console, go to Service Accounts and create a new service account. Do not grant the account any permissions (roles) during this stage of setup.
Go to the Keys tab and press Add Key then Create new key. Select
JSON as the key type. Move the downloaded file to the functions
and rename it service-account.json
Copy the fully qualified email address for the new service account. It will look something like
In the RSVPs spreadsheet, open the sharing preferences and add the service account email as an Editor.
Install serverless
(e.g., with npm install -g serverless
Switch to the functions
Run npm install
Run serverless deploy -s prod
. If you omit the stage, it will default to dev