Releases: combogenomics/DuctApe
Latest release
latest Version bump
Version bump
DuctApe v0.17.8
UPGRADE URGENCY: HIGH, the KEGG data download step is now broken due to the retirement of the RPAIR database
- kegg: the data contained in the now discontinued RPAIR database is retrieved from the KEGG reactions DB
DuctApe v0.17.6
UPGRADE URGENCY: HIGH if you have the latest version of networkx installed
- dape start: newer versions of networkx do not cause crashes anymore
- Removed hardcoded KEGG API addresses (removes useless warning messages)
DuctApe v0.17.4
UPGRADE URGENCY: LOW if you are not experiencing crashes with the "dphenome stats" command
- Do not smooth/compress PM signals when they are too few (manual experiments)
- dphenome stats: avoid crashes for unusual AV distributions
DuctApe v0.17.2
UPGRADE URGENCY: LOW if you are not experiencing crashes with the "dape start" command
- dape start: avoid crashes when recent networkx versions are used
- dape/dgenome/dphenome: use "/usr/bin/env python" instead of "/usr/bin/python"
DuctApe v0.17.0
UPGRADE URGENCY: LOW if you are not interested in the new features
Please note that python 3 is still not supported
- dphenome rings: use a parameter of choice instead of the activity
- the new -r option can be used
- dphenome trim: the time at which perform the trim can be set by the user
- dgenome export: organisms are separated by tab (pangenome_category.tsv)
- dgenome start: more information in the logs
DuctApe v0.16.4
UPGRADE URGENCY: LOW if you are not using PM experiments with a low number of time points
- dphenome start: no smoothing/compressing when not enough time points
- when the number of time points is below 33
- "manual" phenomic experiments may have a very low number of time points
- Full python3 compatibility
- dgenome start still had some python2 bits
- dape/dgenome/dphenome start: option "-p" renamed to avoid conflicts
- dape start -p --> dape start -s
- dgenome start -p PREFIX --> dgenome start -x PREFIX
- dphenome start -p --> dphenome start -s
- dphenome stats: do not exit if the AV has not been computed yet
- The command may still output useful data
DuctApe v0.16.2
UPGRADE URGENCY: HIGH if you use the "dape map" command or have the latest matplolib library, LOW otherwise
- dape map: could not get any colored pathway map
- Installation: NetworkX was missing in the setup file
- dphenome rings:
- Memory-leak when many organisms are present
- Different proportions when orgs > 10
- Fix crashes w/ latest matplotlib version
DuctApe v0.16.0
UPGRADE URGENCY: MODERATE, one corner-case crash on dphenome plot has been fixed
- dphenome plot: it is now possible to plot single plates/wells with one command
- dphenome plot PM01 --> plots only plate PM01 (w/ heatmap)
- dphenome plot PM01 A01 --> plots only well PM01 A01
- dphenome plot: in some cases the creation of the legends caused a crash of the command