This check determine if the Contao Composer Client can be used
in the tested environment. To run the check, download the
(YES, nothing else is required!),
open your browser and navigate to the file
Open composer-check.php
in your browser, press Ctrl+S
or use the Menu File -> Save
to save the file.
Put the composer-check.php
in your Contao installation or upload it via FTP (Warning: always use BINARY Transfer!!!)
or something similar.
wget \
-O composer-check.php
If you have trouble running the check, try the not optimised/obfuscated composer-check-dbg.php.
You also can clone this repository and navigate to its root with your browser
The compiler require xdg-mime
and git
// push translations
tx push -s
// fetch translations
tx pull -a
// ... commit changes here and make a new tag
// build the composer-check.php
php build.php -o -O
// build the composer-check-dbg.php
php build.php -f composer-check-dbg.php
// add pre-build files
git add composer-check.php composer-check-dbg.php
git commit -m "Add pre-build composer-check[-dbg].php for Version $(git describe)"