This file includes data and code to study California sheriff's offices transparency wrt. COVID-19 data reported to Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC). There are three main parts: quantifying data transparency, visualizations and comparison b/w urban and rural counties.
Transparency scores: Data reported to BSCC is aggregated at county/facility level and then the average number of data categories with valid data are calculated. Visualizations: Transparency scores per county are shown on a map or scattergram. Urban & Rural Analysis: Finding correlations b/w urban and rural nature of counties and transparency levels.
Here is the functions for those three parts
There is no need to change the dataset links in the files but the raw data are also shown in the repository.
Please contact for any questions or concerns.
There are no prerequisites or installation required. The preprocessing results and data visulization/analysis results will be stored in the same directory as and Once both code files are downloaded, please run the following in the command prompt: