Releases: cozy/cozy-keys-browser
Releases · cozy/cozy-keys-browser
- Fix a bug where passwords in generator history were generated continuously
- Fix a bug where the inline menu could open on focus even if it was set to open on click
- Improvments of inline menu apparition
- Bug fixes
- Less contacts are loaded by default to improve global performance
- New "Suggestions" section to easily autofill relevant data
- New "Options" view to easily lock or log out your vault
- Working passkeys
- Bug fixes
- Enhanced autofill
- Autofill of new Cozy contact data: date of birth, building, floor, staircase, apartment, locality, etc.
- Autofill of data from your Cozy papers: RIB, IBAN, social security number, identity card number, etc.
- All your contacts are available for autofill via a search bar
- Complete your contacts directly from the autofill menu
- Create papers directly from the autofill menu
- Bug fixes
- Manifest V3 support
- Display by default the new inline menu
- Fix "Save password" notification
- Update wordings
Logins are displayed before any other search results
Added documents & contacts
- Fix cozy-client's refresh token handling
- Fix potential infinite loop situations in logout
The ergonomics have been considerably improved in this version 🚀
- When focusing on a form, a menu opens that allows to select a login/password from a list, either with the mouse or the keyboard.
- New icons in vault page
- UI tweaks