PHP warnings and notices no longer halt execution when Dev Mode is disabled. (#13164 )
Fixed a “Double-instantiating a menu button on an element” console warning that occurred on pages with Matrix fields. (#6338 )
Fixed a bug where Quick Post widget settings weren’t filtering custom field options for the selected entry type.
Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks could get detached from entries when sections were enabled for a new site. (#13155 )
Fixed an error that could occur when entrifying a global set without a field layout. (#13156 )
Fixed a bug where Single entries’ edit pages could have “Save and add another” actions. (#13157 )
Fixed styling issues with Date fields. (#13167 )
Fixed the vertical alignment of element labels. (#13168 )
Fixed a bug where the System Report utility could display MariaDB’s MySQL-equivalent version, if it was listed first in the server version string.
Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::containsRecursive()
now returns the highest version found before distribution info.
You can’t perform that action at this time.