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Releases: craftcms/cms


15 May 16:43
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  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when updating to Craft 3.8 on PostgreSQL. (#13186)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred for Matrix inputs with static blocks. (#13194)
  • Fixed the vertical alignment of element labels. (#13168)

10 May 15:17
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  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to add new Matrix blocks via the “Add a block” menu. (#13177)

10 May 15:07
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  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to add new Matrix blocks via the “Add a block” menu. (#13177)


09 May 22:01
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  • PHP warnings and notices no longer halt execution when Dev Mode is disabled. (#13164)
  • Fixed a “Double-instantiating a menu button on an element” console warning that occurred on pages with Matrix fields. (#6338)
  • Fixed a bug where Quick Post widget settings weren’t filtering custom field options for the selected entry type.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix blocks could get detached from entries when sections were enabled for a new site. (#13155)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when entrifying a global set without a field layout. (#13156)
  • Fixed a bug where Single entries’ edit pages could have “Save and add another” actions. (#13157)
  • Fixed styling issues with Date fields. (#13167)
  • Fixed the vertical alignment of element labels. (#13168)
  • Fixed a bug where the System Report utility could display MariaDB’s MySQL-equivalent version, if it was listed first in the server version string.
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::containsRecursive().
  • craft\helpers\App::normalizeVersion() now returns the highest version found before distribution info.


09 May 21:35
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  • Fixed a “Double-instantiating a menu button on an element” console warning that occurred on pages with Matrix fields. (#6338)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when running tests. (#13076)


02 May 22:32
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  • Volumes no longer validate if their field layout contains a field called extension, filename, height, kind, size, or width.
  • It’s now possible for plugins to register errors to entries’ typeId, parentId, and authorId attributes. (#13138)
  • Stack traces returned by craft\helpers\App::backtrace() now more closely resemble exception stack traces.
  • “Element query executed before Craft is fully initialized” warnings now include a stack trace.
  • Fixed a bug where queue-runner Ajax requests triggered on the front end weren’t getting closed before running the queue, potentially causing long front-end load delays.
  • Fixed a bug where long element titles weren’t wrapping. (#13143)
  • Fixed a user enumeration timing attack vulnerability.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when upgrading to Craft 4, if any matrixblocks table rows referenced nonexistent element IDs. (#13121)
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur when upgrading to Craft 4, if anything triggered an asset or volume query. (#13130)
  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when deleting a category group on PostgreSQL, when configured with a table prefix. (#13127)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to query for elements with soft-deleted site IDs.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur on the control panel login form.


02 May 22:28
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  • Volumes no longer validate if their field layout contains a field called extension, filename, height, kind, size, or width.
  • Fixed a bug where queue-runner Ajax requests triggered on the front end weren’t getting closed before running the queue, potentially causing long front-end load delays.
  • Fixed a bug where long element titles weren’t wrapping. (#13143)
  • Fixed a user enumeration timing attack vulnerability.


25 Apr 17:57
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  • Category/tag/global set reference tags now map to entries, if no category groups/tag groups/global sets exist. (#13082)
  • HTML Purifier now allows data-oembed-url attributes on div tags. (craftcms/ckeditor#80)
  • Added craft\queue\Queue::EVENT_AFTER_EXEC_AND_RELEASE. (#13096)
  • craft\services\Elements::propagateElements() now returns the element in the target site.
  • A globally-defined element thumb loader is now available in the control panel via Craft.cp.elementThumbLoader.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to select a disallowed volume as the Default Asset Location in Assets field settings. (#13072)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to upload files to Assets fields outside of the allowed volumes, if the Default Upload Location was set to a disallowed volume. (#13072)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a Plain Text field had over 1,000,000 bytes. (#13083)
  • Fixed a bug where relational field values weren’t yielding any results for event handlers immediately after a draft had been merged. (#13087)
  • Fixed a bug where element labels could bleed out of their container. (#13099)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if yii\web\UrlManager::addRules() was called on a console request. (#13109)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to select the current folder as the target when moving a volume folder, resulting in the folder and its contents being lost. (#13118)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when running tests. (#13076)
  • Fixed an error that occured when sending the activation email for a new user, if there were any validation errors due to new group assignments. (#13060)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Send an activation email now” user account checkbox was losing its value if there were any validation errors.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when creating a database backup on MySQL and MariaDB. (#12996)
  • Fixed a bug where Edit Category screens were including a Parent field, even if the category group’s Max Levels was set to 1. (#13097)
  • Fixed a bug where the uploader’s user photo wasn’t always loading on Edit Asset pages.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Delete for site” bulk element action was deleting disabled elements and drafts across all sites. (#13116)
  • Fixed a bug where Entries and Categories fields with “Maintain hierarchy” enabled could lose relations to elements that didn’t exist in the primary site. (#13057)


25 Apr 17:51
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  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to select a disallowed volume as the Default Asset Location in Assets field settings. (#13072)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to upload files to Assets fields outside of the allowed volumes, if the Default Asset Location was set to a disallowed volume. (#13072)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a Plain Text field had over 1,000,000 bytes. (#13083)
  • Fixed a bug where relational field values weren’t yielding any results for event handlers immediately after a draft had been merged. (#13087)
  • Fixed a bug where element labels could bleed out of their container. (#13099)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if yii\web\UrlManager::addRules() was called on a console request. (#13109)
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to select the current folder as the target when moving a volume folder, resulting in the folder and its contents being lost. (#13118)
  • Fixed a bug where custom field values weren’t getting saved for assets in the local temp upload location. (#12695)

15 Apr 22:02
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  • Locked the Yii 2 PSR Log Target library to 1.1.3 to avoid a PHP error that occurs on 1.1.4.