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Chrome Extension Wallet Integration for Aptos

nathan-crypto edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 10 revisions

Introduction | Wallet Extension now support the Aptos blockchain. | Wallet Extension is a free web application. Using | Wallet Extension, a user can store and transfer assets, and interact with the decentralized applications (dApps), all on the Aptos blockchain.

This developer documentation describes how to integrate Wallet into your dApp and enable your user to connect their Wallet to the Aptos blockchain.

NOTE: | Wallet Extension is currently available as a browser extension on Google Chrome.

The rest of the documentation describes in detail the following steps for your dApp integration:

  • Checking for | Wallet Extension.
  • Connecting to | Wallet Extension.
  • Getting a user to sign, and optionally, send, a transaction to the Aptos blockchain.
  • Getting a user to sign a message.
  • Handling event updates from the wallet.
  • Error messages.

Interface of window.deficonnect.aptos

import type { Types } from 'aptos'

enum Network {
  Testnet = 'Testnet',
  Mainnet = 'Mainnet',
  Devnet = 'Devnet',
  'Aptos Testnet' = 'Testnet',
  Aptos = 'Mainnet',
  'Aptos Devnet' = 'Devnet',

type Networks = keyof typeof Network

interface NetworkConfig {
  name: string
  chainType: 'aptos'
  chainId: string
  rpcUrl: string
  symbol: string
  explorer?: string

interface IAccount {
  publicKey: MaybeHexString | undefined
  address: MaybeHexString | undefined
  method?: string
  status: number

interface IOptions {
  sender?: MaybeHexString
  sequence_number?: any
  max_gas_amount?: string,
  gas_unit_price?: string,
  gas_currency_code?: string,
  expiration_timestamp_secs?: string,

interface SignMessagePayload {
  address?: boolean // Should we include the address of the account in the message
  application?: boolean // Should we include the domain of the dapp
  chainId?: boolean // Should we include the current chain id the wallet is connected to
  message: string // The message to be signed and displayed to the user
  nonce: string // A nonce the dapp should generate

interface SignMessageResponse {
  address: string
  application: string
  chainId: number
  fullMessage: string // The message that was generated to sign
  message: string // The message passed in by the user
  nonce: string
  prefix: string // Should always be APTOS
  signature: string // The signed full message

interface IDeficonnectAptos {
  connect: (network?: NetworkConfig) => Promise<IAccount>;
  account: () => Promise<IAccount>;
  isConnected: () => Promise<boolean>;
    transaction: Types.TransactionPayload,
    options?: IOptions
  ): Promise<Types.Transaction>;
  signTransaction(transaction: Types.TransactionPayload, options?: IOptions): Promise<Uint8Array>;
  signMessage(message: SignMessagePayload): Promise<SignMessageResponse>;
  disconnect(): Promise<void>;
  network(): Promise<Networks>;
  onAccountChange: (listener: (newAddress: IAccount) => void) => void;
  onNetworkChange: (listener: (network: { networkName: Networks }) => void) => void;

Connecting to | Wallet Extension

To use | Wallet Extension with your dApp, your user must first install | Wallet Extension on their Chrome browser. | Wallet Extension injects an aptos object inside the deficonnect object of window on any web app the user visits.

To check if the user has installed | Wallet Extension, perform the below check:

const isInstalled = window.deficonnect.aptos

If | Wallet Extension is not installed, you can prompt the user to first install | Wallet Extension and provide the below installation instructions. For example, see below:

const getWallet = () => {
    if (window.deficonnect && window.deficonnect.aptos) {
        return window.deficonnect.aptos;
    } else {'', `_blank`);

Installing | Wallet Extension

To install | Wallet Extension on your Chrome browser, you can download it from the chrome store.

Connecting to | Wallet Extension

After confirming that the web app has the deficonnect.aptos object, we can connect to Wallet by calling deficonnect.aptos.connect().

When you call deficonnect.aptos.connect(), it prompts the user to allow your web app to make additional calls to the Wallet, and obtains from the user basic information like the address and public key. It also exposes a convenience isConnected.

See the example code below:

await window.deficonnect.aptos.connect(); // { address: string, publicKey: string }

await window.deficonnect.aptos.isConnected(); // true

NOTE: After a web application connects to the wallet for the first time, it becomes whitelisted session. Once whitelisted, it's possible for the application to automatically connect to the wallet on subsequent visits or page refreshes.

Switch network | Wallet Extension also support switch network, you can pass networkConfig parameter into connect(), and it will trigger network switch confirmation popup.

See the example code below:

interface AptosNetworkConfig {
  name: string
  chainType: 'aptos'
  chainId: string
  rpcUrl: string
  symbol: string
  explorer?: string

const networkConfig: AptosNetworkConfig = {
  chainId: '2',
  chainType: 'aptos',
  name: 'Testnet',
  rpcUrl: '',
  symbol: 'APT',

await window.deficonnect.aptos.connect(networkConfig); // { address: string, publicKey: string }

Disconnecting | Wallet Extension

When you want the web app to forget about the connection status with the Wallet, you can do this by calling window.deficonnect.aptos.disconnect() in your web app. See below:

await window.deficonnect.aptos.disconnect()

NOTE: After disconnecting, the web app must reconnect to the Wallet if user want to make requests again.

Sending a Transaction

After the web app is connected to the Wallet, the web app can prompt the user to sign and send transactions to the Aptos blockchain. | Wallet Extension API handles the transactions in the following two ways:

  1. Sign a transaction and submit it to the Aptos blockchain. Return a pending transaction to the web app.
  2. Sign a transaction but do not submit the transaction to the Aptos blockchain. Return the signed transaction to the web app, for the web app to submit the transaction.

See the below examples for both the options.

For more on Aptos transactions, see the Aptos Typescript SDK and Transactions guide from Aptos .

Sign and submit

The below code example shows how to use the signAndSubmitTransaction() API to sign the transaction and send it to the Aptos blockchain.

interface IResponse {
  hash: string
  sender?: string
  sequence_number?: string
  max_gas_amount?: string
  gas_unit_price?: string
  expiration_timestamp_secs?: string
  payload?: TransactionPayload
  signature?: AccountSignature

const wallet = window.deficonnect.aptos.connect(); // see "Connecting"

// Example Transaction, following an [EntryFunctionPayload](
const transaction = {
    arguments: [wallet.address, '717'],
    function: '0x1::coin::transfer',
    type: 'entry_function_payload',
    type_arguments: ['0x1::aptos_coin::TestCoin'],

try {
    const pendingTransaction: IResponse = await window.deficonnect.aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction);

    // In most cases a dApp will want to wait for the transaction, in these cases you can use the typescript sdk
    const client = new AptosClient('');
} catch (error) {
    // see "Errors"

Sign only

The below code example shows how to use the signTransaction() API to only sign the transaction, without submitting it to the Aptos blockchain.

const wallet = window.deficonnect.aptos.connect(); // see "Connecting"

// Example Transaction
const transaction = {
    arguments: [wallet.address, '717'],
    function: '0x1::coin::transfer',
    type: 'entry_function_payload',
    type_arguments: ['0x1::aptos_coin::TestCoin'],

try {
    const signTransaction = await window.deficonnect.aptos.signTransaction(transaction)
} catch (error) {
    // see "Errors"

Signing Messages

A web app can also request the user to sign a message, by using API window.deficonnect.aptos.signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload).

Web apps can write their own message, then send it to the Wallet. The user will be prompted to sign that message, and then the signed message will be returned to the web app. The following is provided for additional security.

  • signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload) prompts the user with the payload.message to be signed
    • returns Promise<SignMessageResponse>


export interface SignMessagePayload {
  address?: boolean; // Should we include the address of the account in the message
  application?: boolean; // Should we include the domain of the dapp
  chainId?: boolean; // Should we include the current chain id the wallet is connected to
  message: string; // The message to be signed and displayed to the user
  nonce: string; // A nonce the dapp should generate

export interface SignMessageResponse {
  address: string;
  application: string;
  chainId: number;
  fullMessage: string; // The message that was generated to sign
  message: string; // The message passed in by the user
  nonce: string,
  prefix: string, // Should always be APTOS
  signature: string; // The signed full message

Verifying a signature

import nacl from 'tweetnacl';

const message = "hello";
const nonce = "random_string"

try {
  const response = await window.deficonnect.aptos.signMessage({
  const { publicKey } = await window.deficonnect.aptos.account();
  // Remove the 0x prefix
  const key = publicKey!.slice(2, 66);
  const verified = nacl.sign.detached.verify(Buffer.from(response.fullMessage), 
                                             Buffer.from(response.signature, 'hex'), 
                                             Buffer.from(key, 'hex'));
} catch (error) {

Event Listening

onNetworkChange() and network()

A dApp may want to make sure that a user is on the right network. In this case you will need to check what network the wallet is using.

Default networks provided by the wallet:

// default networks in the wallet
enum Network {
  Testnet = 'Testnet',
  Mainnet = 'Mainnet',
  Devnet = 'Devnet'

// Current network
let network = await;

// event listener for network changing
window.deficonnect.aptos.onNetworkChange((newNetwork) => {
  network = newNetwork.networkName;


In the Wallet a user may change accounts while interacting with your app. To check for these events you can listen for them with onAccountChange

// get current account
let currentAccount = await window.aptos.account();

// event listener for disconnecting
window.deficonnect.aptos.onAccountChange((newAccount) => {
  // If the new account has already connected to your app then the newAccount will be returned
  if (newAccount) {
    currentAccount = newAccount;
  } else {
    // Otherwise you will need to ask to connect to the new account
    currentAccount = window.deficonnect.aptos.connect();


A user may choose to disconnect from your dApp. In that case you will want to update your state.

// get current connection status
let connectionStatus = await window.deficonnect.aptos.isConnected();

// event listener for disconnecting
window.deficonnect.aptos.onDisconnect(() => {
  connectionStatus = false;


When making requests to Petra Wallet API, you may receive an error. The following is a partial list of the possible errors and their corresponding codes:

Code 4000

  • Code: 4000
  • Name: No Accounts
  • Message: No accounts found.

Code 4001

  • Code: 4001
  • Name: User rejection
  • Message: The user rejected the request.

Code 4100

  • Code: 4100
  • Name: Unauthorized
  • Message: The requested method and/or account has not been authorized by the user.