Welcome! This README contains valuable resources for preparing for competitive programming (cp), including links to online platforms, tutorials, and recommended books.
- kunal-kushwaha (github)
- lnishan (github)
- colposh's blog (codeforces)
- Altairr's blog (codeforces)
- Chitra Singla (Medium)
- codechef
- competetive programming handbook
- introduction-to-the-USA-computing-olympiad
- some algorithm book (clrs, grokking algorithms, Deitel & Deitel) link
- ITMO course in codeforces
- الگوریتم پیشرفته و ساختمان داده (quera) - دارای هزینه
- المپیاد کامپیوتر مکتبخونه رایگان
- المپیاد ریاضی مکتبخونه رایگان