This library supports rotary encoders connected to the Arduino/Genuino 101. It should work for other microcontrollers for as long as they can generate the necessary interrupts.
- interrupt driven, no polling needed
- allows for more than one instance
- ignores spurious signals from encoder
- lineair or non-lineair mode
- The common pins of the rotary encoder are connected to ground, and the remaining pins to GPIO ports
Many sketches exist for the Arduino UNO, most of them only supporting a single rotary encoder. I borrowed from one of them, and adapted it for Arduino/Genuino 101.
The challenge was for the interrupt service routines to invoke a C++ Class Member Function. The solution chosen relies on virtual functions and friend classes used as described in the article Interrupts in C++ by Alan Dorfmeyer and Pat Baird.
Other Embedded C projects can be found at