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da772 edited this page Feb 18, 2020 · 2 revisions



    Actor.Create("ExampleActor", scene).AddComponent(  // Create actor then add component
      new Mesh2DQuad( // Create Mesh2D Component
      "Mesh2DQuad", // Name
      new Transform( // Transform
        new Vector3f(0f), // Position
        new Vector3f(0f), // Rotation
        new Vector3f(1f)), // Scale
      "Images/TestImage.png", // texture
      new Vector4f(1f), // Texture color


public static Actor Create(String name, Scene scene) 
    @param name (String) - the unique identifier of actor
    @param scene (Scene) - the scene to add the actor to 
    @return Actor - return created actor or null if identifier already used

public static boolean Remove(String name, Scene s)
    @param name (String) - the unique identifier of actor
    @param scene (Scene) - the scene to remove the actor from

public Actor AddComponent(Component component)
    @param component (Component) - the component to add to the actor 
    @return Actor - return actor this call is made on