Create new node at your mouse position ,using shortcuts
The new node will be connected to the selected nodes automatically,when creating. At the same time, adjust postion to fit the selected nodes.
Disconnect a node from the other nodes, and try the best to reconnect previous input nodes to output nodes.
shortcut Shift + X
Reconnect existing nodes.Could affect multi properties. and change connect order by the position of nodes.
shortcut C
Insert a node into some existing connections, when the node is acrossed by the connection.
Support multi connections .
shortcut C
Rearrange selected nodes. Push them apart, when the nodes are two close.
shortcut Q
Align nodes by vertical or horizontal, when the nodes are very limited offset by each other.
shortcut Q
Rearrange input nodes mainly , when the input nodes have connected to some other nodes.
The nodes' new position will affected by the relative position of connected property.
shortcut Q
find your SD plugin folder,normally located at [application installed path]\Substance Designer 2019\resources\python\sdplugins
copy SDShortcutsEnhance folder to the plugin folder. done!
(use your custom plugin path is the same)
I can't get an azerty keyboad ,all shortcuts are tested and worked only on a qwerty keyboard.
This is a qwerty keyboard plugin only
C reconnect selected nodes
Q rerange selected nodes
shift+X disconnect selected nodes
t transform
b blend over
a blend add
shift+s blend substract
shift+d blend divide
m blend multiplier
alt+s slop blur
l level
w warp
shift+w directional warp
ctrl+w multi directional warp
ctrl+shift+w non uniform directional warp
u uniformColor
shift+c curve
g gradient map
ctrl+h hsl
shift+h histgram scan
ctrl+b blur
shift+b blur hq
ctrl+shift+b non uniform blur
shift+a auto levle
ctrl+i invert
p pixel processor 16bit grayscale
shift+f add frame
1 float1
2 float2
3 float3
4 float4
shift+1 get float1
shift+2 get float2
u get float2( input = '$pos', works as uv)
shift+3 get float3
ctrl+2 vector float2
ctrl+3 vector float3
ctrl+4 vector float4
alt+1 swizzle1
alt+2 swizzle2
alt+3 swizzle3
alt+4 swizzle4
a add
shift+s substract
shift+d divide
m multiplier
shift+m scalar multiplier
p power
i if else
l lerp
r random
'-' negation
g sample grey
shift+c sample color