A minimal Ruby interpreter written in Zig that can parse and execute basic Ruby code (work in progress).
This project implements a simple Ruby language interpreter in the Zig programming language. It includes a lexer, parser, and evaluator to process and run Ruby code.
- Basic Ruby syntax parsing
- Support for numeric calculations and expressions
- Variable assignment and retrieval
- Function definitions and calls
- REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) interface
- WebAssembly build option for browser execution (in development)
- Lexer (
): Tokenizes the Ruby source code into a stream of tokens - Parser (
): Converts tokens into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - AST (
): Defines the structure for representing Ruby code - Evaluator (
): Executes the AST to produce results - REPL (
): Interactive command-line interface
This interpreter is currently a work in progress. Here's what's working:
- Basic arithmetic operations
- Variable assignments
- Simple function definitions and calls
- REPL interface
What's being worked on:
- Improving function call handling
- WebAssembly compilation support
- Better error reporting
- More language features
- Zig compiler (tested with version 0.13.0)
# Build the CLI REPL
zig build-exe src/main.zig
# Run the interpreter
Run the interpreter and enter Ruby code:
ruby> def add(x, y)
ruby:1> x + y
ruby:2> end
=> <function: add>
ruby> add(3, 4)
=> 7
This repo is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.