This repository contains codes for the numerical simulations for the paper Growth rate of a stochastic growth process driven by an exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (2022) also available on arxiv. A brief summary of the main results of the paper is given below.
Consider a stochastic growth process in discrete time for a quantity
Take the growth rate
The limiting case of
The process (1) describes for example the growth of a bank account accruing interest each period at an interest rate which follows an exp-OU process. This is the interest rates process assumed in the Black-Karasinski model.
A similar model can be used to describe the growth of a positive quantity with correlated growth rates, for example a population undergoing growth in a random environment. More precisely the growth rates
Mathematically the process for
The process can be generalized such that the growth rates
Let us study the expectation
However, the growth rates
# stationary exp-OU compounding process
n <- 1000 # no time steps
tau <- 0.01 # time step
gamma <- 0.1 # mean reversion
sigma <- 0.2 # volatility
rho <- 0.025
dG <- sigma^2/(2*gamma)*(1-exp(-2*gamma*tau))
varZ <- sigma^2/(2*gamma) # stationary OU process variance
beta <- exp(-gamma*tau)
# Generate random normals N(0,sqrt(dG))
e <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=sqrt(dG))
rate = numeric(n)
Z = numeric(n)
Z1 = rnorm(1,0,sqrt(varZ))
Z[1] = Z1
rate[1] = (rho*exp(Z1 - 0.5*varZ)-rho)/(1+rho)
for(i in 2:n) {
Z[i]= beta*Z[i-1] + e[i]
rate[i] = (rho*exp(Z[i] - 0.5*varZ)-rho)/(1+rho)
plot(rate, type="l", col="blue",xlab="Time",main="Growth rate r(t)")
abline(h=0, col="red")
acf(rate,type="correlation", lag.max=1500, main="ACF(r)")
Sample paths of
The autocorrelation plot of the growth rates
The Mathematica code attached evaluates the expectation
The growth rate
The theoretical result for
Main result of the paper
The paper proves the existence of the limit
The function
This phenomenon is associated with a liquid-gas phase transition in the analog lattice gas.
Analytical upper and lower bounds on
An exact solution for